During the last week of August, 12 students attended this Summer's 2010 Ceramic Workshop at the North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre. Gwendolyn Yoppolo was the featured artist and spent 5 days in studio teaching and demonstrating her interesting and sensitive ways of making clay objects.
There was opportunity to engage, create, explore, dialogue and socialize. The staff and participants at NMPAC wish to extend thanks to Gwendolyn for the journey here to graciously share her practice. Gwendolyn continues her residency at Archie Bray in Helena Montana through to January 2011.
If you would like more information regarding any other professional workshops hosted at North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre, please call the office at 403-221-3682. - Laurie Yearwood, NMPAC Arts Specialist
There was opportunity to engage, create, explore, dialogue and socialize. The staff and participants at NMPAC wish to extend thanks to Gwendolyn for the journey here to graciously share her practice. Gwendolyn continues her residency at Archie Bray in Helena Montana through to January 2011.
If you would like more information regarding any other professional workshops hosted at North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre, please call the office at 403-221-3682. - Laurie Yearwood, NMPAC Arts Specialist